Downloading carrierwave file from url

1 Oct 2017 My goal: Let the user download an audio file that is stored in AWS by clicking on a download icon. link_to icon('download'),, download: %> I use carrierwave to upload my media to AWS. 25 Aug 2018 Three years ago I wrote about how to choose the right uploader gem for your an elegant API to upload, download, delete, and process files. Note that only the web app can create a version of the file as it has to sign the file's URL Shrine takes CarrierWave's idea of uploader classes and refines it  Ruby on Rails File Upload with introduction, characteristics, installation, hello world, directory structure, active Step 9 In this step, we will create an uploader through carrierwave gem. To download this document, click on Download link. Website Designing; Website Development; Java Development; PHP Development 

Are you seeing strange performance issues in your Rails app? Random slow requests? Deadlocks? Did you recently add a CarrierWave uploader?

14 Aug 2019 They typically upload the file to Heroku and then stream it to S3. There are other libraries such as carrier wave direct that may also be able to So by default we can not use JavaScript to send a file from our website to S3.

Adds file validators to ActiveModel. Contribute to musaffa/file_validators development by creating an account on GitHub.

Cloudinary provides a robust solution for image management pipelines, including image resizing, cropping and conversion. Uploader of cropped image files with Cropper.js and CarrierWave on RoR - alpha-netzilla/cropper-carrierwave-rails A gem that lets you stream a zip file from rails. Contribute to fringd/zipline development by creating an account on GitHub. Ajax File Upload in Rails using Dropzone + Carrierwave Demo - youngten/dropzone-rails Rails template with Mongoid, Devise, Cancan, Carrierwave, Rspec, Cucumber, Oauth with Facebook and Google login. - wearethefoos/rails_template

21 Sep 2012 the images on their servers and provide you an url for downloading a file. It is a feature of carrierwave library that I use to store and resize 

If you're looking to quickly generate some seed data for your application and don't want to upload images already stored in your application you can easily upload remote images by using remote_[your_image_attribute_name]_url Galaxy.destroy_all Galaxy.create!(name: 'Andromeda', remote_photo_url Classier solution for file uploads in Ruby for Rack, Rails, Merb and Sinatra - fredwu/carrierwave CarrierWave extension-aware remote file downloading - avatar_uploader.rb The most easily available and a basic package available for downloading a file from internet using Java code is the Java IO package. Here we will be using the BufferedInputStream and the URL classes to open and read a file on a given address to a file on our local system. Downloading a file with its URL. If you have the link for a particular file, you can download it with wget by simply providing the URL as its parameter, like so: Should wget face problems downloading the file, it will try infinitely many times as needed to complete the download. Recommend:ruby on rails - Download file from Amazon S3 through Carrierwave and Fog wave and fog. It works fine. I'm now working on downloading the files and display them on the browser. It works. However, the private link (which I set it to be a temporary link) from S3 is shown on browser, like: https://xxx.s3-ap-southeas upload image in ruby on rails example (2) . I have a small Rails 3.2.1 app that uses CarrierWave 0.5.8 for file uploads to S3 (using Fog)

ruby on rails remote_image_url What's the proper way to copy a carrierwave file from one record to another? Perhaps one way you can do it is to set a remote image URL as per the Carrierwave gem documentation? Downloading and zipping files that were uploaded to S3 with CarrierWave

uploaded_file . url # generates the URL uploaded_file . download # downloads the file to the disk uploaded_file . exists? # asks the storage if file exists uploaded_file . open { | io | . Learn how to upload files with only a few lines of Ruby code, including cloud storage, CDN delivery, and dynamic effects for images and media. Cloudinary provides a robust solution for image management pipelines, including image resizing, cropping and conversion. Uploader of cropped image files with Cropper.js and CarrierWave on RoR - alpha-netzilla/cropper-carrierwave-rails A gem that lets you stream a zip file from rails. Contribute to fringd/zipline development by creating an account on GitHub. Ajax File Upload in Rails using Dropzone + Carrierwave Demo - youngten/dropzone-rails Rails template with Mongoid, Devise, Cancan, Carrierwave, Rspec, Cucumber, Oauth with Facebook and Google login. - wearethefoos/rails_template